The Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, will be the implementing agency of the FLN mission at the national level. It will also provide funding support to the states and UTs under the Samagra Shiksha scheme. Along the same lines, Assam like every other state has a critical role to play so as to achieve the goal of foundational literacy and numeracy by 2026-27, in mission mode. The following roles and responsibilities would be undertaken by relevant stakeholders:
Role of Institutions
Collaborative efforts at school, district, state and national levels are required
Ensuring effective use of TLMs by teachers and students in
Ensuring cleanliness in school premises and providing nutritious meals to children
Conducting regular school- based assessments for all children in FLN classes

Encouraging teacher groups and peer learning spaces to learn and discuss innovative teaching strategies
Collecting and maintaining the required data in a systematic
Conducting regular PTMs and other events like school melas, workshops etc. for community engagement

The key institutions at the state level such as SmSA and SCERT to ensure that FLN objectives and goals are achieved at state, district and cluster level.
Engaging in planning, designing and implementation of the FLN mission
Playing a key role in executing FLN frameworks
Monitoring of FLN mission by designing IT-based solutions
District / Cluster
Role of DIETs
Designing rigorous capacity building programmes for teachers to handle FLN classes
Ensuring availability of teachers in each school from pre-primary to class 3
Developing a culture of peer learning through exposure visits and sharing of best practices across states
Conducting capacity building activities in mission mode to support teachers in implementing FLN
Role of BEEOs/ BMCs
Ensuring timely distribution of textbooks, uniforms, TLMs, and other resources
Creating awareness drives for parents, SMC members and communities
Role of BRPs / CRCCs
Supporting teachers in adopting new pedagogical practices
for foundational learning
Monitoring schools by visiting them regularly and addressing emerging pedagogical issues and problems related to school development
Role of Parents
The support of parents/guardians will play a valuable role in enabling the child to learn. Following are the ways to involve them
Engaging in SMS, WhatsApp messages sent by school/teacher for home activities
Ensuring that children read varied texts from storybooks, signboards etc. Asking children to "read aloud"
Creating a print-rich environment (word-wall, number chart, multiplication tables) at home for better learning
Downloading DIKSHA app to help children learn at home
Attending PTMs regularly to discuss progress report of children
Borrowing simple story books (from school library) or taking worksheets and read aloud stories (from repositories in school) to improve children's reading skills
Letting children engage in small house work as well as encouraging them to spend time with grandparents, listening to stories and learning from them

How can parents track the progress of their child?
By keeping continuous contact
with the respective
Referring to classwork, workbooks, etc. to understand the child's learning level
Observing whether the child is
able to read from grade level textbooks

Role of Community
"It takes a village to raise a child"
Mothers' Groups, SMCs (School Management Committees) & volunteers in Assam can play a pivotal role in the effective implementation of FLN activities within the community
Monitoring children's attendance
Creating awareness among parents
Leveraging Saturday Clubs
Community mobilisation
Role of SMCs

Involving parents
Involving parents to take an active role in the planning, implementation and monitoring of developmental programmes in schools
School visits
Conducting weekly visits to schools
to check teacher & student attendance
Role of Volunteers

Supporting learning
Teaching local students who have no or limited access to digital resources, especially during difficult times such as the recent pandemic crisis
Ensuring daily connect
Daily messages containing simple learning activities related to FLN can be sent to children via Whatsapp and SMS messages